Before we visit your seniors residence

ontario_planetarium_floorplan1What floor space and other criteria do you need to set- up?

Our dome measures 16×29 feet and 10 feet height at the top of the dome (but it’s only 10 feet for about 3×3′ at the top.)

**If you don’t have a room with 10 feet-or-more of ceiling clearance DON’T WORRY! – We can set-up the dome in rooms with slightly lower ceilings (it just ends up being slightly lower and smaller.)**

Many seniors residence auditoriums, dining rooms, activity rooms, atriums, and other spaces fit this bill.

Basically, if you can supply such a space, and a standard A/C electrical outlet, we’re in business!

Logistics for entry and exit for seniors

There is no floor to the dome. Typically for seating, we use chairs / wheelchairs / etc.. of your choice from your facility arranged on the floor space that the dome will occupy.

In order to make entry and exit as easy as possible, we typically deflate the dome off-to-the-side of these chairs (see video above.) Then, with the help of 2 or more residence staff, we re-inflate the dome overtop of seniors and staff.

(To exit – again, see above video – we simply lift up the side of the dome and deflate it once more off-to-the-side: Something seniors tell us is actually a pretty fun and memorable way to end the show.)

ontario_seniors_nursing_home_activity_planetarium_stars_constellations“Is it scary / dangerous?”

This is the #1 question we have from seniors who are highly interested in seeing a show but a little hesitant to enter the dome.

The short answer to this is that we have never once had a senior who regretted entering the dome for a show.

The slightly-more-detailed-answer to this is that all shows start in broad-daylight (i.e. the sun is shining brightly across a photorealistic landscape) before and at the start of all shows, so no one has trouble finding their way around or being suddenly plunged into darkness (the stars come out gradually as the sun sets and twilight fades into planets, the constellations, etc…)


We can quickly and efficiently allow anyone who wishes to leave at any point through an exit tunnel or by lifting up the side of the dome. (We also have a fully-charged and recently-tested fire extinguisher in the dome for safety.)

A planetarium staff member who has completed Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) training will be available to assist residence staff with getting patrons with mobility and/or other challenges settled in the dome before shows begin.



Release from liability

PLEASE NOTE: that there are risks (especially for those whose conditions may be aggravated by enclosed spaces and/or fast moving objects/lights) associated with participating in shows in the planetarium.

Participants who suffer from motion sickness and/or any conditions that may leave them vulnerable to rapid flashing/moving lights should consult a medical professional before entering the planetarium.

We will have signage up to this effect for residents to see and as that a member of your organization/institution be responsible for deciding if any residents need this further pointed-out.

By passing said signage and entering the planetarium dome, participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Ontario Planetarium and all its staff and agents from any injury or other incident inside or outside the planetarium dome.


Our cancellation policy

For cancellations up to a month in advance, all but the $100 deposit is refundable.

For cancellations with less than a month’s notice, 50% of the total is refundable.

For cancellations with less than a week’s notice, the entire balance is due (i.e. 0% of the total is refundable.)